Research Talks
Subconvexity for GL(2) L-functions in the conductor aspect. PIMS CRG: L-functions in Analytic Number Theory, October 2024.
Simultaneous non-vanishing for products of elliptic L-functions. Brown University, September 2024.
Explicit zero-repulsion of Dirichlet L-functions. Brown University, November 2023.
A converse theorem in half-integral weight. Brown University, May 2023.
Root systems attached to moments of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions. University of Minnesota, May 2021.
Expository Talks
Statistics of L-functions modeled by random matrix theory. Brown University, March 2023.
A synopsis of the origin story of WMDS. Brown University, April 2022.
An introduction to Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series. Brown University, April 2022.